Expert Groundhog Removal

As a society, our opinion of groundhogs has been severely impacted by the infamous 90s movie starring Bill Murray,Groundhog Day. According to the film, groundhogs are great for telling you whether spring will come early this year, depending on how or when they emerge from hibernation.

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In reality, groundhogs aren’t quite so easy-going, and can’t really tell you about the coming of spring. What they can do, however, is damage your crops quite a bit, and expose you to some nasty diseases. This is why, if you are struggling with a groundhog infestation on your Eastern Pennsylvania commercial or residential property, we cordially invite you to call us at Fur & Feathers Wildlife Control today.

Are groundhogs dangerous?

Well, the good news is, that groundhogs aren’t overly aggressive by nature. The chances of one attacking a human being, or even a pet, are very small. However, if they feel threatened or if they feel you’re threatening their babies, they can bite you, exposing you to some serious diseases, such as rabies, Lyme, hepatitis, and other similar health concerns.

If bitten by a groundhog, it’s paramount that you seek out immediate medical attention.

What to do about groundhogs?

If you’re worried about a groundhog infestation on your property, your best bet would be to call a professional wildlife removal service. They have the adequate gear and preparation for handling such a situation safely, and efficiently. 

The first thing we will do will be to inspect the property, determine the size and seriousness of the problem, and ensure we are actually dealing with groundhogs.

Signs of a groundhog infestation:

  • Loud whistling noise – this is how a groundhog communicates, by issuing a loud whistling through their teeth;
  • Digging sites – small burrows of dug-up dirt may be a telltale sign of a groundhog infestation, particularly if they appear near a shed, garage, or another part of your property;
  • Underground tunnels – as you might guess, a common sign of a groundhog infestation is the presence of small tunnels in the ground in your yard.

How to get rid of a groundhog

After we’ve determined that a groundhog is a culprit, we will devise a customized plan of removal or exclusion. Generally, with large animals like groundhogs, the best approach is to just use a live trap.

This is one of our favorite wildlife removal methods, as it is the most humane (meaning it doesn’t actively hurt the animal). The live trap can then be used to relocate the groundhog to a wild area where it can’t bother you.

Prevention, sanitizing, and repair

Once the groundhog has been safely dealt with, we will turn our attention to ensuring such an infestation doesn’t occur in the future. This will mean identifying what attracted the groundhog, fixing entry points, and so on. Of course, we will also sanitize the area, to ensure you’re not exposed to any health hazards in the future.

Our team of professional wildlife removal experts is ready to handle your groundhog concerns in the Eastern Pennsylvania area today, so give us a call at +1 866-442-9360.

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