Expert Flying Squirrel Removal

When you first hear the name, we’ve got to admit, a flying squirrel may come across as pretty menacing. But when you see these tiny little creatures, your reaction most likely won’t be an aghast shriek, and more of a fawning “aww”.

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To many, their name can be a tad deceptive, since the flying squirrel is not actually capable of flight, per se. Rather, this fascinating little creature can be seen gliding at anywhere from 150 to 500 feet in the air, from one tree to another, in order to avoid predators. So, if anything, this page should be called gliding squirrel removal. Regardless, how do you do it?

Signs of a flying squirrel

First things first, we’ll need to make sure that the animal bothering you is, in fact, a flying squirrel, and not something else, since obviously removal methods will vary from one animal to another, if only slightly, sometimes.

The signs of a flying squirrel invasion are much the same as those of a regular squirrel invasion. You’ll probably experience:

  • Scurrying noises in the walls or attic;
  • Foul odor from the accumulation of flying squirrel urine and feces;
  • Chewing marks outside and inside your home.

This last one is easily the most worrying, since flying squirrels have been known to chew on anything. This includes the wooden support beams that keep up your roof, and the structure of your home, in general, as well as electrical wires. Given enough time, flying squirrels can seriously increase the risk of fire or explosion on your property.

Squirrels or flying squirrels?

Aside from seeing them glide through the open air, how can you tell the difference between a flying squirrel and a regular one? While flying squirrels are equipped with a furry membrane that allows them to glide through the air, you may not get close enough to the critter to actually see that.

So other than that, the largest telltale difference would be that flying squirrels are nocturnal, as opposed to regular squirrels, which are most active during the day. So if you hear scurrying in your attic at night, this may be a sign of flying squirrels. Mind you, a lot of pest invasive species tend to be active at night, so it’d be best to leave it up to a professional to figure it out.

How to get rid of flying squirrels

At Fur & Feathers Wildlife Control, we offer professional help in getting rid of flying squirrels from residential and commercial properties all across the Eastern Pennsylvania region.

While we understand the general unpleasantness of having your home act as a shelter for various invasive species, we believe in focusing on a humane removal process. This means we use humane methods to capture the offending animal, only to release it back into the wild, where it won’t be able to hurt you anymore.

Depending on the particulars of your situation, we may also use various exclusion methods. For instance, if we discover that the main flying squirrel nest is somewhere inside your chimney, we may install an exclusionary device. This will allow the flying squirrel to leave the chimney unhindered, but not to re-enter. Meanwhile, we will also be sealing the squirrel’s entry points at the sides of the chimney (because otherwise, we’d just be stuck in a loop).

Caution: if you suspect an animal invasion inside your chimney, do not start a fire under any circumstances. The animals may not be able to get out, and burning them alive can pose a serious safety hazard.

But of course, we will first need to inspect the property, in order to determine the common culprits (aka what attracted the flying squirrels to your home, in the first place), as well as figure out the best course of action for your particular problem.

Should you attempt to remove flying squirrels by yourself?

Flying squirrels can be particularly tricky to remove, thanks to their gliding ability. Remember that that exists to protect them from ground-bound predators, and in their eyes, that’s exactly what you will be, as you attempt to set your trap or another removal device.

This is why we honestly believe that calling a professional wildlife removal expert, like Fur & Feathers Wildlife Control is the best way to go, to ensure a safe and efficient flying squirrel removal

Cleaning up afterward

With any wild animal invasion, it’s not just the invasion itself that we need to worry about, but also the aftermath. You might be tempted to think that once the flying squirrel has been removed, we’re in the clear, except that’s not the case.

Once we’ve removed the pest animal from your home, we will then begin the clean-up and restoration process. The trouble with flying squirrels, as with several other nuisance wildlife, is that they also expose us to a host of serious infectious diseases, through their droppings and urine.

It is our job to properly sanitize your home, and remove any trace and potential danger to your health and safety.

Furthermore, we will also focus on sealing all entry points, removing attractions, and doing anything else in our power to deter a future flying squirrel invasion from happening in your home.

So, struggling with flying squirrels in your home in the Eastern Pennsylvania region? Then do not hesitate to give us a call at Fur & Feathers Wildlife Control at +1 866-442-9360 today.

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